
Over the past several decades, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have become more and more common. Each is created with a purpose, whether it is a crop that produces a higher yield, or an animal that is unusually resistant to a certain disease. The Glofish is a unique GMO because it is one of the only GMOs to be sold commercially as a pet. Originally intended for scientific research, it is now in popular demand as an aquarium fish due to its shockingly bright colouring. The Glofish is not harmful to the environment, as it is weaker than the zebrafish from which it was modified and the chances of it successfully invading an aquatic ecosystem are slim. Like many varieties of tropical fish, Glofish have adapted very well to being kept as pets. Finally, further scientific research into the development of Glofish could result in a fish that glows only when in the presence of water pollution or heat, which would be an invaluable way of keeping the waterways and ponds healthy. Thus, research into Glofish should be pursued further and Glofish should be approved for sale in more countries because they have been proven to be safe for the environment, they make good pets, and they could potentially become a tool to detect water pollution and global warming.

This is an image of Glofish swimming in a aquarium.
(n.d.). Glofish. [Print Photo]. Retrieved from